Important information for existing patients

File transfer, Appointment types, and Fees information

Prior to your first appointment at Dr Portia Predny at Flourish Kirribilli:

File Transfer

If you have previously been seeing Dr Portia at her clinic in Rozelle, it is important to arrange for your file to be transferred to her new clinic in Kirribilli.

You may have already received instructions from Rozelle Medical Centre/Nuvo Health on how to arrange for your file to be transferred - if you have already attended to this, thank you.

Nuvo Health does charge a fee for file transfers, in order to cover administrative costs, but they have kindly agreed to reduce their usual fee to $20 for existing patients of Dr Portia.

If you have not received an email from Nuvo Health/Rozelle Medical Centre with instructions on how to arrange for your file to be transferred, please email: with subject line: “File Transfer Dr Predny”, and our friendly receptionist, Rayceille, will be in contact with you to assist you with this.

Information about appointment types/durations at Flourish Kirribilli:


You may have noticed that the appointment types that Dr Portia has made available at Flourish Kirribilli are different to the appointment types that have historically been available to book at Dr Portia’s old practice. Dr Portia has made these changes to better suit the needs of her patients, many of whom require longer appointments than what is typically available to book in most General Practices. Appointments are booked by type (procedural or non-procedural), duration, and in some cases, purpose (eg. for Care Plans).

Most appointment slots that are available to be booked online are for either 30 minute or 60 minute slots (for consultations that will last up to 25 mins, or up to 55 mins, respectively).

If you are uncertain what type of appointment to book, or if you feel like your appointment should be for a different duration (for example, a very short appointment of 10-15 mins, or a medium-length appointment of 40-45 mins) please get in contact with Dr Portia’s receptionist, Rayceille, via phone or email, to discuss options.

Information about fees at Flourish Kirribilli:


All appointments with Dr Portia in her new clinic in Kirribilli will attract a private fee. You can find out about the fees, as well as information about Medicare rebates, here.

Dr Portia wants to keep her services as affordable as possible for her patients. Unfortunately, the costs of running a medical clinic are high, and Medicare rebates alone are not sufficient to cover the costs of providing care at the high level that Dr Portia strives to.

If you are in financial difficulty, and the private fees listed would prevent you being able to access care with Dr Portia at this point in time, please reach out to our team at:

While we cannot offer Bulk Billing, we will do our best to minimise any financial barriers to seeing Dr Portia, particularly for long-term patients.