Fees and Rebates

Dr Portia Predny at Flourish Kirribilli is a private billing clinic.

This means that a private fee is payable for all consultations with Dr Portia.

Fees and Rebates:

The tables below provide an overview of the typical fees for consultations with Dr Portia, as well as the expected Medicare rebate for these types of consultations. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of the services that Dr Portia provides. If you have questions about Dr Portia’s fees or services, please contact her reception team at:


NB: click on the tables below to expand the view.

General Consultations:

Procedural Consultations:

Care Plan Consultations:

Services without consultation:

Dr Portia offers a limited number of services which may not require a consultation, including prescription renewal, and referral renewal.

You will soon be able to request one of these services online (and a link will be provided here to assist you to access this). Until we have that function set up, please contact reception if you have any requests for repeat scripts or referrals.

Please note: Prescription and Referral renewals are only available for prescriptions and referrals that Dr Portia has previously made for that patient, and only in certain circumstances. It may be necessary to arrange a consultation to discuss the script/referral requested, and Dr Portia reserves the right to refuse to provide a prescription or referral until a consultation has occurred.

Information about fees and rebates

Private Fees:

Dr Portia Predny practices in a holistic and patient-centered way, and prioritises clear and comprehensive communication, and trying to ensure patients’ needs are met. This is sometimes referred to as “slow medicine”, as practicing in this manner requires time. For this reason, Dr Portia only offers long consultations at her clinic, and allows between 30-90 minutes per standard appointment slot. 

Unfortunately, Medicare rebates do not cover the costs of providing this kind of care, so appointments with Dr Portia at Flourish are privately billed. This means that there is a private fee for the services provided. The fee payable depends on the length of the appointment, and the service(s) provided within that appointment. If you hold a valid Medicare card, your appointment will usually attract a Medicare rebate that will be paid back to you upon payment for the appointment. 

Medicare Rebates:

Most consultations with Dr Portia attract a Medicare rebate. Medicare is a publicly funded health insurance scheme, and Medicare rebates are designed to reduce the out-of-pocket costs of medical care in Australia. The amount of Medicare rebate payable depends upon the service provided.

Medicare has certain eligibility requirements that dictate whether or not a patient is eligible to receive a rebate for a given service. For most general consultation types, Medicare eligibility is dependant on the duration and complexity of the consultation. For certain services, such as care plan services (eg. Chronic Disease Management Plan, Eating Disorder Treatment Plan, Mental Health Care Plan) Medicare eligibility may be dependant upon you meeting specific criteria, such as whether or not you meet certain diagnostic criteria, whether or not you have other health care providers involved in your care, and whether or not that same service has been provided to you within the past 12 months.

When it comes to Telehealth appointments (both phone and video), Medicare typically requires that you have been seen face-to-face by that doctor within the preceding 12 months in order to be eligible for the rebate. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet this requirement whenever booking a Telehealth consultation, but you can phone or email our reception (contact details) in order to check these details, and if necessary, change an appointment from telehealth to face-to-face.

Medicare Safety Net:

The Medicare Safety Net helps reduce out of pocket costs for patients who need to see a doctor (or other Medicare rebate-eligible healthcare provider) regularly. Medicare keeps track of your out of pocket costs when you pay a private fee for any Medicare-rebateable services each year. Once you have reached a certain threshold, Medicare pays a higher rebate for the services that you access, meaning that your out-of-pocket expenses after that point are much lower. 

More information about the Medicare Safety Net (including how it works, how to register for it, and how to keep track of your expenses to see once you have reached the Safety Net threshold) can be found at the following link:
