Whole-person Medical Care


  • “Whole-person” or person-centred care refers to medical care that aims to support people to achieve their health goals in a holistic way, recognising that whole-person health encompasses physical, mental, and emotional aspects of wellbeing. Whole-person care is lifelong medical care, and aims to treat the individual throughout all stages of their life - both by providing support and advice in times of health, and by providing care and treatments in times of illness.

    While Dr Portia recognises that health is a privilege, and that, as individuals, we do not get to choose the health conditions that we encounter during our lives, she also believes that good quality healthcare support is a right that everyone should have access to.

    “Good health” can look different to different people. While one person might prioritise measures of physical fitness and ability as their marker for good health, another might place the highest value on their emotional and psychological wellbeing. Dr Portia believes in patient autonomy, and is committed to helping her patients to find what “good health” looks like to them, and then supporting them to reach these goals.

  • If you are seeking medical care that supports all aspects of your wellbeing, including physical, mental and emotional health, then it is likely that Whole-person care would be a good fit for you. Dr Portia practises Whole-person medical care in an evidence-based way, and will offer treatments that are supported by best practice principles.

    Dr Portia believes in empowering her patients to make the best choices for themselves, and as such, places a high priority on health education, and collaborative discussions with her patients around any treatments proposed.

  • Your first consultation with Dr Portia will be a long consultation (Dr Portia allows up to 90 minutes for new patient initial consults!).

    During the consultation, Dr Portia will gather a wide range of important information from you, including your past medical and family medical history, your current wellbeing, your current health concerns, and any health goals that you have.

    Depending on your specific health concerns and needs, Dr Portia will work with you to develop a plan to help you meet your goals.

    Dr Portia recognises the importance of working with her patients collaboratively - after all, no one is more of an expert on you, than you! To this end, Dr Portia spends a lot of time making sure that her patients have a good understanding of their medical conditions and any treatment she proposes - you are encouraged to ask questions, request clarification, and give your own input on whether or not you think a particular treatment will be the right fit for you.

    Of course, this first appointment is also a chance for Dr Portia to get to know you as a person, and for you to get know her a little too! Dr Portia encourages you to view your appointment with her as an opportunity to get a sense of her approach to care, and whether or not she will be a good fit for you in the long term.

  • Dr Portia enjoys looking after all aspects of a person’s health, from birth to late in life. She has particular interest in supporting people with their mental health and wellbeing, and has a lot of experience working with people who have struggled with depression and anxiety, as well as other complex mental health conditions. Dr Portia has always enjoyed working with the LGBTIQ+ community, people who are neurodivergent, and people with complex health needs. She also enjoys supporting people in their fertility journey, as well as throughout their pregnancies, and has a particular interest in managing hormonal health.

    Dr Portia welcomes all kinds of diversity in her clinic. Her main priority is creating a safe and welcoming space for her patients - particularly for people who may have struggled to find that sense of safety and welcomeness in previous health care interactions.